Saturday, June 12, 2010


Sorry! Kind of.

I know there was supposed to be a packing blog and all with pictures of the disaster, but that would have required me to sit down for 2 seconds and upload them, write it all up, etc. And I've been BUSY. I know you guys are actually happy that I've been keeping myself busy and having fun on my last week or two at home. And really, what's so interesting about packing anyway?

So that brings us to the present. Saturday, June 12th. My flight leaves at 6 am tomorrow morning and I hav- WHAT!? TOMORROW? And you say I've been waiting for months and months and months (years) to do the college program and I leave for Florida TOMORROW?!

I'm filled up with this incredibly undescribable feeling. If you've done the CP in the past, you probably know what I'm talking about. If you're still waiting for your chance, then you will. Trust me, you might have to wait years and years, but you'll finally get your shot and it will feel amazing.

I also meant to do a 'I'm leaving!' vlog, but since I'm currently sitting around in my swimsuit waiting for everyone to get here for my going away party, then getting ready and packing things last minute, then sleeping 4 hours and getting ready/packing last minute AGAIN, then leaving for a quick breakfast and to the airport...yeah...don't really have time. But I felt is necessary to pop in here and ramble for a minute or two.

Usually when I'm really really really looking forward to something, and it's just about to happen, my excitement kind of dwindles the last few days and I'm all like 'yeahh, whatever'. But not this. No, I have stayed completely, over the top, superly duperly ECSTATIC! Actually, everyday brings a new level of excitement. Today I'm pretty calm about it. Why freak out when you know it's all happening in a few hours? And it will happen however it's going to happen anyway. Everything will work out great. I know that I'm going to have the time of my life. :)

I'm not really sad about leaving at alll. I feel like at the most I'll tear up once I get on the plane and I'm by myself, but I don't expect any tears in the morning. I know I'm going to have so. much. fun. and my family will be visiting, so why waste the energy on crying? We'll see how it goes. I might be a teary eyed mess, lol.

So this is it. Here I go. I'll update..whenever we have internet/I have time to sit down and write about the crazy adventures I'm sure I'll be having. I will be extremely sleep deprived the first week, so be patient with me please. Wish me luck everyone! And to the people who are already there, I cannot wait to hang out with all of you.

Goodbye hometown, hello sunny Florida! :)

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